ATPBot lancerede en ægte AI kvantitativ handelsbot

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. For nylig, ATPBot, the first truly quantitative trading bot, announced that it can now connect to the Binance API for trading, providing users with more opportunities to trade cryptocurrencies. By registering ATPBot, connect to Binance Exchange, enter your investment amount

Amerikansk bankbranche i uro: Et omfattende kig på den 'store konsolidering' og største banksvigt af 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

'Panik i 2023': James Corbett forklarer, hvordan bankkrise kunne føre til CBDC 'Mareridt med total monetær kontrol'

Investigative journalist James Corbett has recently referred to the ongoing global banking crisis involving SVB, Signatur Bank, Credit Suisse and others as thePanic of 2023,drawing comparisons to what he views as historical precedents, and pointing ahead to an inevitable

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: ADA rammer All-Time Low på fredag, MATIC forlænger seneste nedadgående trend

Cardano fell to an all-time low on Friday, as sentiment in crypto markets remained bearish in today’s session. The token fell for a third consecutive day, with prices moving below a key price floor in the process. Polygon also extended recent

Google Cloud kører en Solana Validator, Blockchain Node Engine til at understøtte SOL Chain næste år

After Google Cloud announced that it would offer a product called the “Blockchain Node Engine” and further noted that Ethereum would be the first blockchain supported, the company revealed it was running a Solana validator on Nov. 5, 2022. Google said

Bitcoin-handlere venter tålmodigt på 'Uptober' - Historiske priser viser BTC vundet 10 ud af 13 oktober

I nyere tid bitcoin’s volatilitet har været den laveste den’har været siden 2020 og efter sidste måned’s markedsnedgang, krypto-entusiaster forventede en vending i oktober. Faktisk, bitcoin har oplevet fremgang i oktober ti gange ud af de sidste 13…

HistoryDAOs mission om at tage historien fra sejrherrerne og give den til masserne

Humans have sought to preserve memories since prehistoric times, etching images into cave walls and tying knots into a crudely fashioned cord. Tribes and clans gave birth to language that could preserve the past in words, and words found their way

Krypto-frygt og grådighed-indeks viser, at markedsstemningen forbliver bange

Efter Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) faldet til betydelige lavpunkter og pegede på “ekstrem frygt” på kryptomarkederne i slutningen af ​​maj, og i det meste af juni, i dag er CFGI-ratingen stadig i “frygt” zone, men…

Coinbase reagerer på rapporter om salg af kunde-'Geo Tracking'-data til den amerikanske regering

Den Nasdaq-noterede kryptovalutabørs Coinbase har insisteret på, at den ikke sælger “proprietære kundedata” efter rapporter dukkede op om, at dets Tracer-produkt leverer “historiske geosporingsdata” til U.S.A. Indvandring og toldhåndhævelse (IS). Coinbase Responds to Reports of

Melodi Grand Prix 2022 Vinderne frigiver NFT til Ukraines velgørenhedsauktion

Kalush Orchestra, the winners of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022, are auctioning off an NFT for charity. The auction started May 25 on MetaHistorythe official Ukrainian charitable NFT museumand will last only until the 28th. Bids will